UNC  Pointe-A-Pierre 

Hon. Gillian Lucky
Member of Parliament.

Welcome to the official website of the Pointe-A-Pierre Constituency of the United National Congress.
This website is designed to keep you informed of the activities within your constituency, as well as to allow you the opportunity to interact with your Member of Parliament.

  Constituency Office: 35 Union Road, Marabella.
  Telephone/Fax:         1-868-658-7331
  E-mail            :          gilly@tstt.net.tt

National Executive Constituency Executive Elections -July 2004 Join Gillian & Zanifa on 90.5FM from 6.30 - 8.00am Mon. - Fri.


UNC SENATORS Contact Info.

Every Week - Monday night Forum - Coming to your area!


UNC MP's Contact Information


The MP for PAP ensured that every child in her constituency did not go without a gift!

A Medical clinic was organized by the MP in collaboration with the Pointe a Pierre Rotory  in April 2004. Constituents were given free medical attention by doctors and given free medication.

A town meeting with the stakeholders of Gasparillo was organized to discuss the traffic problems in Gasparillo and to allow them the opportunity to put forward  possible solutions to the problems. A subsequent meeting was organized with representatives of the Minister of Works, where the problems and solutions were outlined. A follow up letter was received by the MP Gillian Lucky outlining the acceptance of the suggestions as outlined. Four legs are to be constructed on the Union Road flyover according to Minister Franklin Khan. Much thanks are in order to the MP and (Councillors Firaz Ali, Harold Rambharat),  for initiating this action, who even before this, was strongly lobbying via her radio programme for some relief to the traffic situation in Gasparillo.

   March against crime around  Claxton Bay ,Sunday 14th September 2003. Organized by Councillor Rambarath and joined by Members of Parliament Hon. Fuad Khan and Hon. Gillian Lucky.



MP Gillian Lucky meets with residents of Tarouba  on October 20th 2003,whom have been affected by the floods. Residents complained of the non action of their Councillor Leslie Lynch. The MP have written the Minister of Works to have the drain passing under the highway cleared ( which is the cause of the flooding according to the residents)






Merry Christmas to all Kids in the Constituency